Overview of the Program

The Program

In the course of four years, our students will graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Catholic Studies and be well on their way to journeyman status in their chosen craft. During this time they will receive broad training across all trades offered, as well as in-depth training in their specific trade. The program is four years of study and hands-on training in Steubenville, including three years during which they will be gainfully employed.

Year One

  • Location: Steubenville

  • Liberal Arts and shop studies begin

  • Broad training across the building trades

Years Two and Three

  • Location: Steubenville

  • Continue classroom instruction

  • Choose a trade and begin in-depth training

  • Start work as a laborer and apprentice on actual job sites

  • Begin being paid for work

Year Four

  • Location: Steubenville

  • Continue classroom instruction in Liberal Arts

  • Continue Catholic spiritual and intellectual formation

  • Build up “On-the-Job-Training” hours

  • Graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in Catholic Studies, training in a skilled trade, assistance in finding a well-paid job, and no crippling debt

The Degree

Students at the College of St. Joseph the Worker will earn a degree in Catholic Studies. This degree explores the Catholic intellectual tradition, which teaches that man is a rational being, but one that needs the aids of grace and revelation to properly understand the full reality of the Holy Trinity and His creation. As grace perfects nature in accordance with the inner dynamism of the rational soul, so theology perfects philosophy and all studies of the humanities by illuminating the true sense and nature of being, allowing finite intellects to understand truths that they could never have discovered by their own power. The College of St. Joseph the Worker assumes the Catholic tradition not as an intellectual crutch but rather as the ladder by which man can scale beyond the natural limits of the human mind to reach more profound, dynamic, and complex truths that truly free the soul. The tradition is not merely propositional content. It is a method of seeking the truth always with the humility of a creature and so in a manner that is always receptive to the gift of revelation. Reason is not aided by faith. Reason is fulfilled in faith. Our curriculum is, therefore, not divided into “natural” and “supernatural” pursuits—standard secular economics here, theology over there. Rather, everywhere, in all of our studies, our reason is healed and perfected by our faith. Courses will cover everything from Scripture, metaphysics, and epistemology to history, economics, and mathematics, always with an eye toward the three unique dimensions of the lay vocation: work, family, and the temporal order.


Our Trades


In the first year the students will undergo a broad study of the building trades in our “anatomy of a house” program. This will include the basics of everything from site layout, concrete foundations, and framing to wiring, plumbing and finishes. This approach helps students make an informed decision about which trade they choose to pursue.

Our NCCER curriculum is a best-in-class program and the students completing these will be certified by the above nationally recognized organization. In addition, all students will complete OSHA 10 training.

Students will choose from one of the four trade concentrations in their second year. By the end of fourth year, they will have completed their classroom/shop training for the trade of their choice and will have begun accruing On the Job Training hours. These trades are all highly sought-after and highly valued.

* All apprentices will be certified by the state of Ohio. Transfer of this certification to another state may have additional requirements. The College is committed to assisting students through this process.