Ohio Department of Higher Education Certificate of Authorization
The State of Ohio undertakes a thorough review of every institution that wants to grant degrees or call themselves a college. The College of St. Joseph the Worker has undergone this scrutiny and received its Certificate of Authorization to operate.
The College of St. Joseph the Worker has partnered with ApprenticeOhio to certify its trade programs.
The Cardinal Newman Society
The College of St. Joseph the Worker has received Provisional Recognition in The Newman Guide. In order to receive full recognition in The Newman Guide, a college must have been in operation for four or more years and graduated a first class. Provisional recognition is granted to a college that does not yet meet the requirements for full recognition but based on information provided in the Newman Guide application, the Cardinal Newman Society believes the college’s standards and policies appear to meet Newman Guide criteria. The Society will conduct another evaluation of a provisionally recognized college before granting full recognition.
The Institute for Catholic Liberal Education
The Institute for Catholic Liberal Education inspires and equips Catholic educators to renew today’s Catholic schools by drawing on the Church’s tradition of education, which frees teachers and students for the joyful pursuit of faith, wisdom, and virtue.
The College of St. Joseph the Worker is proud to be recognized as an ICLE Premier Partner
Accreditation of a new college is a multi-year process that requires a school to operate in order to earn accreditation. The College of St. Joseph the Worker is not currently accredited by any accrediting agency, but we are striving for accreditation.